Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Aloe vera

Aloe vera
By: dr Prapti Utami


Aloe vera is called Aloe vera L. or A. barbadensis Mill., Aloe vulgaris Lamk. belongs to the plant family Liliaceae. This plant is known by the name of the crocodile letah (Suda) or physical defect aged (Java).
Foreign Name: Waan famai (Thailand), zabila, salvila (Spain), laloi (France), Aloe vera, aloe, burn plant, lily of desert, elepant gall, crocodile tongue (English), jadam (Malaysia), lu hui ( China)

This plant is very rich in chemical constituents, the active compounds are already known are:
- Anthrskinon (Aloin, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin, aloenin, aloesin), saponins, enzymes (oxidase,
   catalase, lipase, aminase, amylase), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, Vit C), calcium, sodium , potassium,
   manganese, zinc, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty.

EFFECTS pharmacological
In Chinese pharmacology and other traditional treatments mentioned that this plant has properties; taste bitter, cold. Anti-inflammatory, purgative (laxative), parasitiside, antiseptic, antibiotic. This herb is entered into the heart meridian, liver and pancreas. Improving pancreas.

Pharmacological effect is obtained from the use of leaves, flowers, roots and use fresh. Aloe vera gel is used as a shampoo, nourish and black hair. In the United States as a food coloring. Antiradangnya trait to overcome heartburn or chronic gastritis. Aloe vera is an effective cure digestive problems because it contains gibberelin and some types of polysaccharides, Both of these ingredients work together to relieve inflammation and provides a cooling effect on the stomach.

In the cosmetics industry to be processed aloe vera lotion, conditioner and facial sunscreen. Has been long known among the peoples of the world and is famous in China, Japan, Russia, South Africa, India, and America. Dutch Pharmacological Bulletin mentions aloe plant contains glycosides type-glokosida which acts as a laxative

Some cases of diabetes also experience significant improvement after taking aloe vera. Anticipated content of mucopolysaccharide can control blood sugar and prevent complications. In addition to high blood pressure by inhibiting the breakdown of bradykinin, thus bradykinin levels in the blood increases, and vasodilatation occurs, further reducing blood pressure.

Bradykinin is a nonpeptida generated through the activation of quinine system on various system inflammation. Bradykinin increases vascular permeability (blood vessels), stimulates pain receptors and causes smooth muscle contraction in various extra-vascular.

Vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels is an event, particularly dilated arterioles (blood vessels / small arteries) that increase blood flow to a part.

Based on the literature that records the experience of generations from different countries and regions, this plant can cure diseases as follows:

1. Diabetes mellitus (DM). 1 sheet of aloe vera washed, discard needles, cut into pieces, boiled in 3 cups of
    water to be 1.5 cups. Drink 3 x 0.5 cups after meals.
2. Whooping Cough. Leaves about 15-18 cm, clean the spines and skin boiled with 4 cups so 2 cups, and
    added sugar or palm sugar, water, 2 times a day.
3. Syphilis. Flowers aloe vera one gengam plus 1 slice bacon, boiled, drinking.
4. Wormy, difficulty urinating. The dried roots of 15-30 grams, boiled with 5 cups to 3 cups, drink 1 cup 3
5. Injury blow, injuries (vomiting blood). Dried flowers 10-15 grams, boiled with 2 cups to 1 cup, drink, go
    up 3-4 times until the bleeding stops.
6. Peeing blood. Aloe vera leaves 15 grams squeezed, plus 30 grams of sugar, rice water added to taste,
7. Hemorrhoids. Half leaf stems, kira2 15 cm, cleaned needles, washed, grated. Add 1/2 cup lukewarm
    water and 2 tablespoons of honey, stir, strain. Drink 3 times a day.
8. Constipation. Leaves half (15 cm), washing, remove the skin and spines, chopped contents, sobbing with
   1/2 cup hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey, warm edible, 2 times a day.
9. Maag. 1 stalk of aloe vera to clean, peel and prickly. Soak 30 minutes in salt water. Squeeze a while and
    then rinse in running water, boiled in 3 cups water to boiling over medium heat, let cool and then strain.
    Drink ½ cup 3 times a day

Contra indications: pregnant or menstruating women, people with digestive disorders and diarrhea, eating prohibited drug.

Note: When combined with other drugs so the material is not boiled but should be made pill or powder form.

Plant propagation using a tiller. Plant maintenance is easy, like other plants, ¬ tuhkan be opened in enough water to flush or maintain soil moisture and fertilizer, especially fertilizer. This plant requires a pretty sun.

1. Efficacious Drug Plant In Indonesia, Prof.. HM Hembing Wijayakusuma, Reader Kartini, Jakarta, 1995,
    volume 1, page 64.
2. Instructions Traditional Medicine Plant Efficacious Indonesia - J. Kloppenburg - Versteegh et al, Publisher
    CD R.S. Bethesda and Andi Offset, Yogyakarta, 1995, volume 1, page 109.
3. Genuine drugs Indonesia, Dr. A. Seno Sastroamidjojo, Publisher Dian People, Jakarta, 1988, page 82
4. Poster Magazine, spreader Governmental, Jakarta, February 1996 edition.
5. Inventory of Medicinal Plants, Dra Sri Sugati S., DR Johnny Ria Hutapea., Dep. Health, 1991, vol. 30.
6. Medicinal Herbs in Indonesia, PT. Eisei Indonesia, Jakarta, 1995, number 2110.
7 Indonesian Herbal Efficacious, Scientific evidence and How racik, Poster volume 8, Jakarta
8.Traditional herb medicine for Diabetes, Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, spreader Governmental, Jakarta, 1996,
   p. 82.
9 Literature Karyasari.

1 comment:

  1. A great article on the health benefits of this important plant. Every household that has a garden should grow these plants and keep a ready supply of aloe vera cuttings in their refrigerators for using for medicinal purposes

    James Kelly
